Tag: Dart

  • AOT Compilation, Kernel, and other Dart Hackery

    Tinkering around with kernel, Dart’s intermediate format… And more. Discuss on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19844762 The continued development of Dart’s unified frontend (shared across the VM, dev compiler, dart2js, etc.) has made it possible for changes to be made to the language much more quickly. The common IR that Dart now compiles to is called kernel.…

  • Deploying Dart Apps to Linux

    Basic guidelines for running Dart servers on VPS, on premises, or anywhere running Linux… So, you’ve written a backend for your app, and you’re ready to launch and debut your product to the world. There’s just one problem, though – you don’t have it running on a server yet, nor do you know how to…

  • Dependency Injection Patterns in Angel 2

    A first look at Angel 2’s revamped DI functionality. Along with the many new features coming in Angel 2, the dependency injection has been rethought from the ground up, saying goodbye to the mirrors-powered package:container, and instead rolling a new package:angel_container, which is type-safe, and aimed for Dart 2, as well as Flutter. As one…

  • Angel 2.0.0 is Almost Here – What it Means for You

    Version 2.0.0 of the batteries-included Web application framework for Dart is coming very soon. Here’s what you need to know. Since early 2016, I’ve been working on and maintaining Angel, a server-side Dart Web framework designed to increase developer productivity by providing “all batteries included” out-of-the-box, and putting an emphasis on customizability and configurability. Like…

  • GraphQL is coming to Angel (and Dart)

    What could be a "killer feature" for the Angel framework, is coming very soon. As my close friends will surely tell you, I have a habit of taking on multiple projects at a time, getting so excited to be trying something new, that I leave other projects in the dust. Thus, my previous effort to…

  • The Story of my Migration to Dart 2

    The latest version of Dart promises improved type safety and better client-side support. What else will it bring? I am a power user of Google’s Dart programming language. I’ve always been a fan of the tooling and libraries, and since my first exposure to Dart almost three years ago, have published over 140 packages into…

  • Compiler Writing: A Basic Static Type System

    Build a basic static type system, and prevent unnecessary runtime bugs! For many, if not all programming languages, a significant part of static analysis is data type analysis. If a compiler can categorize expressions into predictable types, then you can prevent many errors, such as passing a string into a function where an integer was…

  • Developing RESTful APIs with Angel

    It’s faster and easier than ever to build fast, secure API’s with Angel. This post is, more or less, a response to Prosper Otemuyiwa’s recent post about Lumen. View the source code for this example here. Contents Get Started Creating a Service Validation Ensuring Unique Emails Preventing Unauthorized API Access Authentication Authorization Conclusion Angel is…

  • Remaking Pong in Dart

    Clone a classic game, and play it from the comfort of your Web browser. Pong is a classic game, created decades ago. Though it was designed to emulate table tennis, it actually plays more like a computerized air hockey. It was the first commercially successful video game, and thus is impossible to get your hands…

  • What I Learned from Giving a Dart Talk

    At 5:30 P.M., I hooked my laptop up to a projector and promptly began giving a presentation to a whopping six people. The number might sound small to you, but to me, it was a really big number of people to show up to a talk by a guy who had not, up to this…